fine art portrait

molly shields





Baby Lane

February 4, 2012

I had an on location newborn shoot on Friday with baby Lane.  She is an absolute doll and one of the best sleepers I’ve ever had!!!  She was perfect the entire time and let us play with her without so much as a tiny squeak!  Lane has three extremely loving and equally beautiful older siblings who were all too excited to take turns holding her for the pictures.  It was such a fun shoot and nice to be out of the studio and back on location for a change.  I took advantage of Lane’s gorgeous nursery and got some fun detail shots too!!!!  Marcy and Jim, thank you for allowing me to capture this very special time in your lives.  Your have four amazing children!  I hope you enjoy the preview!  A BIG thanks to my awesome assistant Poly for all of your help and hard work yesterday!!!!

Molly Shields is a Minneapolis Newborn Photographer specializing in maternity, newborn, child and family photography Minneapolis and surrounding areas.

  1. Poly says:

    OMG!!! These are the best newborn photos I have EVER seen! Amazing job Molly!

  2. Robin says:

    amazing shoot Molly! You knocked it out of the park! Gorgeous nursery too!

  3. Marta Mendes says:

    Just gorgeous!

  4. Mary Kay says:

    Molly, these are truly amazing pictures!!!! I love the head bands.
    What a beautiful family…parents must be soooo proud!!

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