fine art portrait

molly shields





Jim and Reena’s wedding!!!

November 12, 2010

I am not a wedding photographer, nor do I ever want to be a wedding photographer, it’s just not my specialty…..but of course I’m going to bring my camera when I’m going to a close family member’s wedding!  Even though Jim is technically my cousin, he’s really more like a brother to me.  We grew up spending A LOT of time with his family and I consider him and his sisters like my own brother and sisters!  Here are a few pics from the wedding festivities.  Reena is the most BEAUTIFUL bride I have ever seen!  Love both of you guys, sorry it took me a bit to get these on here!!!

This next picture is during Reena’s Mendhi party.  She had both of her hands (front and back) and the tops of her feet painted SO beautifully!  It took hours and in order to achieve a dark color she had to sleep with the paint on (NOT EASY) and not wash her hands until the next morning!  It was so much fun!  All the girls there had the opportunity to get their hands done as well and it was a blast!

I’m just going to preface these next couple pics by saying this was in a bar (after the rehersal dinner) and it was SOOOOOO dark!  I don’t think my camera has ever had to work that hard!  I was shooting some of these at f/1.4 and I maxed out my ISO just to get enough light in because I didn’t bring a flash, so needless to say they’re not very sharp or clear. Plus, as the night wore on, I definitely wasn’t sober, so that also contributed!  I just had to show them because it was one of the best times EVER!!!!!!!  I’m posting these just for fun, definitely not my best work, but it was a good representation of our awesome night!

My hubby Derrick and my cousin/sister Erica!  I think they’d had a few by this time too!

Erica, Jimmy and Tara

Molly Shields is a Minneapolis Newborn Photographer specializing in maternity, newborn, child and family photography Minneapolis and surrounding areas.

  1. Mary Kay says:

    Molly, these pics are the best!! Oh, to relive that wonderful weekend with all our loved ones. More weddings to come…. right Tara and Eri?????

  2. Great photos, it was a fun weekend.

  3. Poly says:

    Love the pictures! The hand one is my favorite!

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